There are many factors that can be attributable to causing deafblindness. Varying degrees of vision and hearing loss may occur:
During pregnancy:
- a woman may come into contact with a virus or disease that affects the growing foetus
- an inherited condition or syndrome may be passed on to the child
- a chromosomal disorder may occur during the foetus’ early development
- injury affecting the foetus whilst in utero
Complications at birth (multiple health and physical conditions may also be present):
- a child may be born prematurely
- neurological conditions as a result of a traumatic birth or lack of oxygen
Post natal/childhood:
- inherited conditions that may present during developmental stages
- auto immune conditions
- illness cause by virus or disease
- injury to the eyes and ears
- acquired brain injury
Young adult to older age:
- inherited conditions or syndromes that present later in the person’s life
- non-hereditary conditions and syndromes
- auto immune conditions
- illness cause by virus or disease
- injury to the eyes and ears
- acquired brain injury
- the ageing process