Wilma’s experience – The Western Australian camp for people who are deafblind 2014
Wilma attended the 2014 Western Australian camp for people who are deafblind and shares her experiences.
“I was SURE, ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE, this could not be as good as the last one in 2012. That was impossible!!!
I was right!!
It was BETTER, you did the impossible!!! Wow, wow, WOW!!!!!!!!!
The organisation of the whole thing was up to the usual magnificent!! Senses standard, even though it must have been so much more work with almost double the amount of people.
Getting there became a bit of an adventure though. We went with a few of us by car leaving our luggage on the bus. GPS sent us from Senses to Hillarys via Whiteman Park!! Fortunately we had plenty of petrol! So it was just a bit of a scenic and scene-ic tour; beautiful scenery (some of the time) outside the car and a scene inside the car as I made the drivre more and more nervous, telling her we were going the wrong way; the poor girl!
At arrival I was confused as it didn’t look as I remembered it from 2 years ago. Eventually somebody pointed out we were at a different part of the camp from last time. Duh!
Practising the bush dances on Friday was a good idea, so Saturday it was up and running. Lucky me had the BEST dance partner I could have asked for. Gary, who also happens to be a gorgeous person, was a professional Irish dancer before getting into the organisational jobs he does now.
The Wild West theme and the fancy dresses were wow and a load of fun. I loved the Wanted posters from the WA mob and thought my name of Wigwam Wilma was just perfect. (A friend of mine and I had put a lot of work into my squaw outfit) Gary dubbed me Wigwam from then on. Since it got a short i and a in it (same as in Wilma) I happily responded to that name too. Winning a first prize was a lovely bonus. Only thing was, I hadn’t heard WHAT I had won and needed to ask Gary. Turns out I was the best female dancer. Duh, with Gary I had a terrific advantage.
I enjoyed the claying; my volunteer suggested, after I had finished my koala and kangaroo, I made a platypus, which was so successful I made 2 as I gave the first one to someone who loved duckbilled platypuses. (or as I call them: platbilled duckybusses!!)
I SO enjoyed the walk on the beach to Hillarys and back and had a lovely chat with Claire T. Bless her for persuading me in the gentlest way that walking on the beach might be nicer than the path. It SO was!!
But of course it was the people that made it UNFORGETTABLE; gosh, the Deafblind Community really consists of (attracts?!) just the most BEAUTIFUL people. I just LOVED talking with old and new friends, so many special, GORGEOUS people, staff, deafblind people, volunteers… If only they ALL lived in WA!!!!