William Green’s Visiting Fellowship … more information

Senses Foundation has been fortunate to have William Green in Perth. William has been at Senses Foundation for a 3 month Visiting Fellowship, but sadly leaves us on 2nd May 2013.
William Green is an international expert in deafblindness and former Senior Consultant with Lega del Filo d’Oro in Osimo, Italy, an organisation with 45 years’ experience in the provision of services and research around deafblindness. William is also the immediate past President of Deafblind International.
During his stay with Senses Foundation, William has provided master classes with staff around deafblindness; he has worked with individual clients and provided input into their care plans; he has met with families and clients, including attending activity sessions with our Usher Syndrome Group; and he was active in supporting the Leadership forum held in Perth.
Also, during his time with us, William travelled to Victoria with Senses staff members and clients to attend 13th National Deafblind Camp, and it was organised for him to visit Able Australia for a couple of days where he spend some time with their staff.
William has assisted us with our long-term planning around our Deafblind Service and delivery and not wanting to let William rest; he also joined one of our rural and remote trips, travelling to Broome and Kununurra. Believe it or not, he then managed a quick trip to India for DbI conference.
In order that the disability sector also benefited from William’s time in Perth, National Disability Services (NDS) have arranged a sector seminar at which William will discuss congenital and acquired deafblindness, the differences and similarities in presentation and the expectations for realistic outcomes for children, adults and the elderly.
Finally, William Green also met the Director General of the Disability Services Commission and the General Manager of Grants and Community Development at Lotterywest.
Senses Foundation would like to acknowledge William’s input and enthusiasm and wish him all the best on his new endeavours as he heads home.