Orthoptics and congenital deafblindness webinar
Deafblind Information Australia welcomes Natalia Kelly as a guest presenter for this webinar. She will talk about the role of an orthoptist as an integral part of the care team for someone with deafblindness and explain what a functional vision assessment is. This will be followed by a Question and Answer session with the audience. The webinar is suitable for people with deafblindness, their families, carers, education staff and healthcare professionals. Orthoptists looking to include complex assessment and disability in their practice will also appreciate her insight. The session will be Auslan interpreted and live captioned.
Natalia is an Orthoptist committed to innovation, team work and evidence based practice in assessing and maximising the function and vision of those with low vision. Her particular interests include neurological vision impairment and paediatric vision. She is the owner and operator of an orthoptic practice, Vision Matters and lecturers in Orthoptics at La Trobe University. She is also a cofounder of the CVI Community Australia, where parents, health and education providers and the wider community can connect and share knowledge and ideas, to ensure that Australian children with CVI benefit from the latest research and best practice.
Date: Tuesday 3rd May 2022
Time: 7:30pm – 8:30pm AEST
Cost: Grant funded. No charge to attend.
View ‘Orthoptics and congenital deafblindness webinar’ on Youtube
View ‘Orthoptics and congenital deafblindness webinar Q&A’ on Youtube