Deafblind Awareness Week 2021
Yarn Bombing is the global initiative for Deafblind Awareness Week 2021. Yarn Bombing is a form of street art where knitted or crochet squares adorn an object in a public space.
This largescale tactile art project aims to unite members of the Deafblind community and increase awareness and knowledge of deafblindness within the broader community. Anyone can participate in this event by knitting or crocheting pieces to add to installations in different Australian states. For more details, open the Facebook event in a new tab.
Deafblind Awareness Week dates:
On an international level, no specific dates for this week are set, so there is variability around the world. Some countries celebrate on Helen Keller’s actual birthday (27th June) and others celebrate over a week or month surrounding this day.
As Helen Keller’s birthday falls on a weekend this year, Deafblind Information Australia will be celebrating Deafblind Awareness week leading up to this day (21-27 June 2021). However, some activities and events around Australia will fall just outside of these dates.