Creative arts therapy and congenital deafblindness
Find out about the role of a Creative Arts Therapist and what the creative arts can offer people with congenital deafblindness; across the areas of wellbeing, communication, and the development of new interests and skills. The audience will have the opportunity to ask questions after the presentation.
Claire Fraser is a registered Creative Arts Therapist and works as a Creative Arts Therapist and a Deafblind Consultant at Able Australia. Practicing a humanistic approach, Claire supports her clients to creatively explore and understand their sense of self, and improve their well-being. Claire has a special interest in working creatively with people with congenital deafblindness and their support networks.
View the webinar recording on YouTube
Download ‘Creative Arts Therapy and congenital deafblindness’ transcript (Word doc, 243KB)
View the Q&A session recording on YouTube
Download ‘Creative Arts Therapy and congenital deafblindness Q&A’ transcript (Word doc, 228KB)
Date Thursday 2nd December 2021
Time 12pm AWST, 1:30pm ACST, 2pm AEST, 2:30pm ACDT, 3pm AEDT Open Timezone converter in a new tab
Duration 1 hour
Where Online, via Zoom webinar (Auslan interpreted and captioned)
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